Senin, 08 Oktober 2012

Competency Test I. Choose one best answer by marking a cross (X) in the letters A, B, C, D or E! 1. Japan requested assistance to the Indonesian nation with the promise of giving independence in days to come as the Japanese ... a. The older brother of Indonesia b. Pressed the Greater East Asia War c. Asian leaders to protect the nation Indonesia d. Won the war thanks to the help of the Indonesian nation e. Suffered from atomic bomb 2. Japan's promise to grant independence in days to come was delivered on .... a. September 7, 1944 b. Dated October 7, 1944 c. November 7, 1944 d. Dated December 7, 1944 e. Dated August 7, 1944 3. To realize its promise to the people of Indonesia, the Japanese form .... a. BPUPKI b. PPKI c. KNIP d. Committee 9 e. Draft Constitution 4. The concept of Pancasila as the state has been discussed ever since .... a. Japan gives promise to the people of Indonesia b. Establishment BPUPKI c. The first trial BPUPKI d. Second trial BPUPKI e. Establishment PPKI 5. Concept formulation and the basic principles presented by Mr. countries. Muh. Yamin in his speech was the following except ... a. Peri nationality b. Humanity c. Peri divinity d. Unity e. Welfare of the people 6. The following statements are true except ... a. BPUPKI is vice chairman RP. Suroso b. BPUPKI the first trial is May 29 to June 1, 1945 c. The second trial BPUPKI discuss the state's plan d. Authorized by state basis PPKI e. The first hearing is BPUPKI 10th - July 16th, 1945 7. Understanding Pancasila as the state, in accordance with sound .... a. Explanation of the 1945 Constitution b. Preamble of the 1945 Constitution c. Paragraph IV of the 1945 Constitution d. Alenia III of the 1945 Constitution e. Of the State of Indonesia 8. PPKI trial results on August 18, 1945 are as follows unless ... a. Setting the Constitution b. Choosing Sukarno as president c. Choosing Muh. Hatta as vice president d. For the first time assisted precedent BPUPKI e. For the first time the president is assisted KNIP 9. Pancasila is used to regulate the organization of state government and, in this case the Pancasila as .... a. Philosophy of life b. Guidelines nation state c. Outlook on life d. Of the State e. Basic law of the state 10. Pancasila is set to become the basis of the philosophy or ideology of the Republic of Indonesia on ...... a. June 1, 1945 b. May 29, 1945 c. August 18, 1945 d. August 17, 1945 e. 13 April 1968 11. Pancasila berprikaku guide the day-to-day life is a sense of Pancasila as .... a. Outlook on life b. Basic state c. Personality nation d. Sublime Agreement e. Moral development 12. Ideology is a "system of ideas, belief, and attitudes wich underlie the way of live in a particular group, class, or society" is an ideological sense by .... a. Dr. Alfian b. Destutt Detracy c. Laboratory IKIP Malang d. Mariam Budiardjo e. International Encyclopedia 13. The Indonesian people unanimously accept Pancasila as the State, as the embodiment of a philosophy of life of the nation and national ideology, since .... a. August 17, 1945 b. June 1, 1945 c. June 22, 1945 d. August 18, 1945 e. May 20, 1908 14. Pancasila ideology is said to be open because .... a. Direct operational b. All nations can use c. The source of the nation's own culture d. Can interact with the times e. There are no internal dynamics. 15. In the implementation of the rice-onal development, man is the perpetrator and is a ..... a. The purpose of the development b. Implementing development c. Object construction d. Initiator e. Planner 16. Systematic formulation of Pancasila are true and valid as the state are on ..... a. Preamble of the 1945 Constitution b. Presidential Instruction. 12 Th. 1968 c. 1945 Constitution d. Jakarta Charter e. Preamble of the 1945 Constitution Alenia IV 17. Ideology containing goals to be achieved in various areas of public life, it is the understanding of the ..... a. Dimension idealism b. Dimensions of reality c. The dimensions of flexibility d. The base value e. Instrumental value 18. Ideology is not just theoretical knowledge, but something to be lived .... a. A conviction b. Outlook on life c. Philosophy of life d. Of the State e. Ideals fore 19. Pancasila as the state ideology, an idea with regard to .... a. Country life b. People's lives c. Law d. Political, social, cultural e. Organizers state 20. Something is said to be worth if something like the following, except .... a. Beautiful b. Correct c. Religious d. Custom / tradition e. Good 21. Everything that is useful for the human element called value .... a. Vital b. Material c. For d. Social e. Benefit 22. Spiritual values are useful for everything ..... a. Humanity b. Feeling c. Spiritual people d. Divinity e. Peacefulness 23. Below are the factors that drive thinking about openness Pancasila ideology except .... a. The dynamics of the community b. The bankruptcy of ideology covered c. Experience history d. Embroidery to preserve the creative Pancasila e. These attitudes pragmatism 24. That does not constitute the limits to transparency ideology Pancasila is ... a. Dynamic national stability b. Prohibition against the ideology of Marxism c. Prevent the development of liberal deologi d. Prohibition against extremism e. The attitude of universalism 25. Economic enterprises handed over entirely to the interests of individuals present in the system .... a. Capitalism b. Secularism c. Totalitarian d. Communism e. kinship 26. In communist ideology dianus etatisme economic system means ... a. Guided economic system of central b. Economic system menutamakan individual c. The economic system that is based on merit / achievement d. System secularism e. The economic system that balances economy with the economy. 27. Ideology is not the flexibility to experience .... a. Difficulty / destruction b. Change c. Opposition d. Freedom e. Glory 28. Thought Pancasila as an ideology implicit in the open .... a. Pembuakan 1945 b. 1945 Constitution c. Explanation of the 1945 Constitution d. Jakarta Charter e. Paragraph IV of the 1945 Constitution 29. We believe that the Pancasila as an ideology is best for .... a. Citizens b. All human c. The nations of the world d. The nation Indonesia e. Young generation 30. The ideology that teaches a classless society, the doctrine is equally common sense ideology .... a. Communism b. Liberalism c. Individualism d. Facisme e. Pancasila 31. Openness does not mean changing the basic values of Pancasila, but his insights are more explicit the concrete so capable .... a. Maintaining Pancasila b. Rejecting negative influence c. Not lost in the globalization d. Solve new problems e. In parallel with the other nations of the world 32. In a closed society and the ideology of human dignity will .... a. Upheld b. Be generalized c. Omitted d. Be valued e. Sacrificed 33. Communist ideology shared by many countries .... a. African Region b. Western Europe c. Eastern Europe d. Latin America e. Middle East 34. Below is a hallmark of liberal democracy unless .... a. secular b. highlight human rights c. offers personal freedom d. recognize the opposition e. avoid the domination of the majority. 35. That does not include characteristics of Pancasila democracy is ..... a. Monotheism b. Balance human rights with obligations c. Acknowledging the existence of differences of opinion d. Verdict diusahakam consensus agreement e. The interests of the majority 36. To ensure that development activities directed run effectively, efficiently, it needs .... a. Unity unity of the nation b. National development planning c. National development d. Development in all areas e. Hard work and discipline of the national 37. Each precepts in Pancasila values reflecting .... a. The character of the nation b. Religious c. Noble character d. Personality of Indonesia e. Unity of Indonesia 38. Worth can be equated with "meaning" or "value", which is included in the aesthetic value is ..... a. Truth b. Beauty c. Goodness d. Religious e. Useful 39. Value is something to be desired (positive) or something undesirable (negative), this statement is an opinion ... a. Prof. Dr. Notonegoro b. Purnadi Purbacaraka and Soerjono c. Laboratory Pancasila IKIP Malang d. Popular Dictionary of Scientific e. Horal Laswele 40. Pancasila as the source of values can be interpreted that the Pancasila .... a. Bermamfaat for Indonesia b. Originally values prevailing c. Benchmarks to determine the meaning or significance of something d. Prevent something undesirable e. Implementing something positive and something that does not prevent a desirable 41. National planning system pembamngunan set in .... a. Guidelines b. 1945 Constitution c. MPR RI d. Law No.. 25 Th. 2004 e. Law No.. 20 Th. 2006 42. The nature of the position of Pancasila as the national development paradigm that have consequences .... a. All aspects of development should be based on the values of Pancasila b. Implementation of development not related to the value of Pancasila c. Pancasila is the noble values of the nation d. Pancasila is the national development goals e. Pancasila fit the times 43. National development plans using the following time, unless ..... a. Short-term, medium-term b. Long-term, intermediate, near c. Long-term, intermediate, annual d. Medium-term, long, short e. Term 1 year, 5 years, 10 years 44. Characteristic values and ideology Pancasila ideals excavated and taken off .... a. Personality nation b. Noble values c. So the nation d. Ancestral cultural heritage e. Moral spiritual wealth, and culture of the people. 45. National Development organized by ..... a. Plan b. Guidelines c. Democracy d. National unity e. Government Decision 46. The important thing to do of our founding fathers as part of the preparation for the independence of Indonesia was established or developing .... a. Pancasila b. 1945 Constitution c. PPKI d. Of the State e. Basic state and the Constitution 47. Helping others to be able to stand alone is an act in accordance with the values of Pancasila especially sila .. a. First b. Second c. Third d. Fourth e. Fifth 48. De Tracy interpret that ideology can also be interpreted as ..... a. Philosophy of life b. Values, ideas c. Aspiration d. Value system e. System of ideas 49. The Indonesian people feel part of the nations of the world for that fostered mutual respect and cooperation with other nations, it is appropriate Pancasila especially sila ... a. First b. Second c. Third d. Fourth e. Fifth 50. The proposed formulation of Pancasila Ir. Soekarno precepts to one is .... a. Internationalism b. Nationality c. Divinity d. Belief in One God e. Peri Humanity II. Answer the question below correctly! 1. Describe three dimensions contained in the ideology! 2. What is the base value, instrumental value and practical value! 3. Mention the systematic formulation of Pancasila as instructed Presidential Decree No.. 12 Th. 1968! 4. Explain Pancasila as the source of all sources of law! 5. Explain the importance of worldview for a State in the life of the community, state and nation? 6. Explain that the Pancasila ideology characterized open! 7. Identify the elements of an open ideology by Soerjanto! 8. What are the consequences if an ideology does not have the flexibility or resilience dimensions? 9. Mention the kinds of values according to Prof. Dr. Notonegoro! 10. How should the Pancasila as the source of values and the development paradigm? A. Choose one best answer to the letters A, B, C, D or E 1. Whole consisting of parts that affect each other is called ... a. Principle b. System c. Method d. Series e. Correlation 2. Classification of a presidential system and a parliamentary government based primarily on ... a. Position of head of state b. Position of head of government c. Legislative relations with the executive d. The division of the country e. Central and local government relations 3. Ministers responsible to the parliament, ministers can be dropped in the parliamentary system of government there .... a. Parlemnter b. Presidential c. Empire d. Republic e. Democracy 4. Which meant that Indonesia's parliament is ... a. Combined ministers b. The President and the ministers c. Parliament and ministers d. DPR e. The President, Parliament, and ministers 5. In the parliamentary system a cabinet responsible to parliament, the cabinet referred to here is .... a. President b. DPR c. Ministers d. President and ministers e. All state agencies combined 6. In a Parliamentary system of government, the head of government is ... a. President b. DPR c. Minister d. Prime Minister e. King 7. Executives can be dissolved legislative vote of no confidence in the government system are ... a. Presedentil b. Parliamentary c. Republic d. Empire e. monarchy 8. Two kinds of state ever implemented by the government of Indonesia is .... a. Unitary and Parliamentary b. Unity and Presidential c. States and the Parliamentary d. Unity and States e. States and the Presidential 9. Forms of state and government by the Constitution of 1945 is .... a. Unitary and Parliamentary b. Unity and Presidential c. States and the Parliamentary d. Unity and States e. States and the Presidential 10. One proof that Indonesia adopts a republican government is .... a. Filling the position by descent b. The president holds the executive, legislative, judicial c. Filling the post of president by the will of the people d. The existence of a general election to elect representatives e. President of the Assembly as the mandatory 11. In the early entry into force of the 1945 Constitution (period I) are very broad powers of the president can be seen in this case .... a. Article I transition rules b. Article II transitional rules c. Article III of the transition rules d. Article IV transitional rules e. Article II additional rules 12. Government in Practice constitutional validity of the 1945 Constitution of Indonesia in the first period carried out by .... a. MPR and DPR b. Parliament and the President c. House and KNIP d. KNIP and MPR e. President assisted KNIP 13. The equipment state of existing and actually run the task and function at the time of entry into force of the 1945 Constitution during the years 1945 to 1949 is .... a. President, Vice President, KNIP b. MPR, DPR, c. Assembly, House of Representatives, Senate d. MPR, DPR, MA e. House, Senate, CPC 14. Vice presidential edict No. X on October 16, 1945 containing the decision that before the MPR and DPR formed Central Indonesian National Committee (KNIP) entrusted with power .... a. Executive and Judicial b. Legislative and helps to define GBHN c. Legislative and judicial d. Executive and also determine GBHN e. Judiciary and participate menetapka Guidelines 15. Employment Agency Announcement No. 5 in 1945 called two considerations need ministerial responsibility to the Board of Representatives. One of the considerations is .... a. To further emphasize the President to not intervene b. In order that the government can run stable c. To enforce sovereignty d. To avoid power struggles e. To honor the legislative power 16. Presidential system of government under the 1945 Constitution can be seen in the article .... a. Article 4, paragraph 1 and article 22 b. Article 4, paragraph 2 and article 21 c. Article 4, paragraph 2 and article 20 d. Article 4, paragraph 1 and article 18 e. Article 4, paragraph 1 and article 17 17. That does not include the president's powers under article IV of the 1945 transitional rules (applicable period I) is .... a. As executor of popular sovereignty b. Setting and changing the Constitution c. Implement the government's power d. Prosecute all lawsuits e. Establish Guidelines 18. With the enforcement notice dated 14 November 1945 the government have meant a shift in the government and also means there is an article in the 1945 Constitution does not apply to the article .... a. Article 14 UUD 1945 b. Article 15 UUD 1945 c. Article 16 UUD 1945 d. Article 17 UUD 1945 e. Article 18 UUD 1945 19. In the 1949 RIS constitutional validity adopts a bicameral representation held by .... a. House and Senate b. MPR and DPR c. President and KNIP d. President and Parliament e. MPR and President 20. Constitution RIS Milai force on .... a. December 25, 1949 b. December 26, 1949 c. December 27, 1949 d. December 28, 1949 e. December 29, 1949 21. Form of government and system of government by KRIS 1949 was .... a. Unity and the Republic b. States and the Republic c. Presidential and Republican d. Parliamentary and Republicans e. Republic and Parliamentary 22. Under article 1, paragraph 2 KRIS sovereign Republic of Indonesia conducted by .... a. Government and Parliament b. Government, House of Representatives, and the Senate c. House and Senate d. Government and senate e. Government, Parliament, KNIP 23. By KRIS 1949 which is responsible for the implementation of the government is .... a. President b. President and Vice President c. Ministers d. House and Senate e. President and Parliament 24. One feature of parliamentary government in the RIS 1949 was .... a. Prime minister and cabinet responsible to parliament b. The prime minister and cabinet responsible to the president c. The President is responsible to the Parliament d. The president holds power in government e. The duration for certain cabinet ditetukan 25. In early May 1950 there has been a merger-merger states and eventually only three states .... a. Pasundan countries, countries in East Java, Madura country b. State Madura, East Java state, the southern Sumatra c. State of South Sumatra, Indonesia eastern states, the Madura d. The Republic of Indonesia, East Indonesia, East Sumatra state e. The Republic of Indonesia, South Sumtera, East java 26. In the RI constitution ever known a constituent body, the body is formed based on .... a. The results of the 1955 election b. The results of the 1971 general election c. Presidential Decree d. Determination president e. The results of the trial PPKI 27. Constituent bodies are the bodies or institutions .... a. Executives who set GBHN b. Legeslatif which makes the Constitution c. Legeslatif make no law d. Judiciary Act which maintains e. Federative that implement the Act 28. That does not include the contents of the presidential decree of July 5, 1959 is .... a. Dissolve the constituent b. Enacting the 1945 Constitution c. Establish MPRS and DPAS d. Dissolved constituents and enact the 1945 Constitution e. Maintaining the 1945 Constituent Assembly to make 29. That does not include the provisions of the constitution as the Supreme Authority of the 1945 Constitution (amendment) is .... a. Testing the Law of the Constitution b. Decide the dispute authority of state institutions that the Constitution granted authority c. Deciding dissolution of political parties d. Termination disputes over election results e. Making the Law on election of president and vice president 30. Membership of the Assembly under the 1945 Constitution (as amended) is .... a. All members of Parliament and representatives of political parties b. All members of the national and regional parliaments c. All members of parliament and regional representatives d. All members of Parliament and representatives of groups e. All members of the House of Representatives and the Regional Representative Council 31. Judging from the equipment according to the country's parliamentary system of government with KRIS 1949 1950 Provisional Constitution there is a difference, the difference is .... a. No 1950 Provisional Constitution of the presidency, there are 1949 KRIS agency b. 1950 Provisional Constitution no financial supervisory agency, no agency KRIS 1949 c. 1950 Provisional Constitution no judiciary, no agency KRIS 1949 d. 1950 Provisional Constitution no Senate, no Senate KRIS 1949 e. 1950 Provisional Constitution no ministerial agencies, KRIS no agency 32. Constitutional reforms associated with the charging of the MPR is .... a. Selected members of the Assembly there was an appointed b. All members of the Assembly elected by popular vote c. Some Assembly members elected by popular vote d. Some members of the Assembly shallow e. All members of the Assembly appointed 33. That does not include the function of Parliament is .... a. Proposed bill b. Adopts draft budget c. Made changes in the Constitution d. Canvass e. Propose amendments to the bill 34. That's not the equipment according to the 1945 Constitution as amended is ... A. MPR B. DPR C. DPD D. DPA E. CPC 35. At the time of entry into force of the Constitution of RIS 1949, no position is .... A. President B. Vice President C. MA D. Senate E. DPK 36. The legal basis for the issuance of Presidential Decree is .... A. Martial law is written B. State of emergency law C. Article 134 UUDS 1950 D. Article 135 UUDS 1950 E. Article 136 UUDS 1950 37. One feature of the system is the President of the Parliamentary Cabinet can not be contested. This characteristic implies ... A. The President is only as sovereign. B. The President is responsible to the Parliament. C. The President can not be held responsible for the running of the government. D. The President can not stand alone without the other institutions. E. The President just as the head of government. 38. Presidential to Parliamentary system switchover during berlakunan RI Constitution states in 1945 was as a result of the issuance of ... A. Government Notices October 16, 1945. B. 3 November 1945 Government Notices. C. Government Notice 14 November 1945. D. 3 November 1946 Government Notices. E. Government Notice 14 November 1946. 39. Form of the state and the system of government of Indonesia after the decree of the President of July 5, 1959 is: A. Republican and Presidential B. Republic and Parliamentary C. Unity and Presidential D. Unitary and Parliamentary E. Federal and Parliamentary 40. Position KNIP against the President, according to Vice Presidential edict. X on October 16, 1945 is ... A. Parallel to the President B. Parallel to the Council of Ministers C. Higher than the President D. As assistant to the President E. As a supervisor President 41. In the reform period occurred restrictions / changes in the presidency A. The President is only as head of state B. The President just as the head of government C. Substitution presidential system into a parliamentary D. Term limits of President and Vice President E. System President and Vice President 42. "Indonesia is a country based on law." This is consistent with the amended 1945 Constitution, namely ... A. Article 1, paragraph 1 B. Article 1 paragraph 2 C. Article 1, paragraph 3 D. Article 2, paragraph 1 E. Article 2, paragraph 3 43. According to the position of President of the Provisional Constitution 1950 is as ... A. head of government has the prerogative. B. heads of state and a head of government. C. head of state that can be imposed by parliament. D. head of state that can not be contested. E. head of government to grant clemency. 44. In a parliamentary system, not a motion when Parliament is believed to be issued ... A. The policy of the minister was not justified by the House B. The President does not run the government in accordance with the provisions of the House C. The members of the state agency to deviate from the law D. The President issued a law without the approval of Parliament E. Members of the cabinet to issue a policy without the approval of the President. 45. In 1950 the validity period of Provisional Constitution frequent cabinet changes. This is due to the ... A. The President has the authority to dissolve parliament B. parliamentary vote of no credible C. Presidential to Parliamentary Cabinet changes D. tendency of parties concerned with faction E. parties have full powers 46. Examples of countries that use the Presidential system of government is ... A. English B. Philippines C. Netherlands D. Belgium E. French 47. When a vacancy occurs Vice President of the Assembly elect the Vice President from candidates proposed by ... a. DPR b. President c. The President and the ministers d. President and Parliament e. Political party or coalition of political parties 48. The authority of the Assembly to change the constitution and set in set in the 1945 article ... a. Article 3, paragraph (1) and Article 37 b. Article 3, paragraph (2) and Article 37 c. Article 3 paragraph (3) and Article 37 d. Article 1 paragraph (1) and Article 37 e. Article 1, paragraph (2) and Article 37 49. The power of the President as head of state, among others .... a. Appoint ambassadors and consuls with the approval of the Assembly b. Appoint ambassadors and consuls with the approval of the House of Representatives c. Appoint ambassadors and consuls to the approval of MA d. Appoint ambassadors and consuls with the approval of the House of Representatives and the Supreme Court e. Appoint ambassadors and consuls with the approval of the MPR and DPR 50. Election of the president and vice president only lasted one round if no candidate president and vice president who gained more than 50 percent in the elections to the least .... a. 10 percent of the vote in each province vote in more than half of the provinces in Indonesia b. 20 percent of the votes in each province vote in more than half of the provinces in Indonesia c. 30 percent of the vote in each province vote in more than half of the provinces in Indonesia d. 40 percent votes in every province in more than half of the provinces in Indonesia e. 50 percent votes in every province in more than half of the provinces in Indonesia 51. British parliamentary system stability for a stable government for following the below exception .... a. Prime minister from the winning party elections b. In the UK there are only two political parties c. There is a convention minister and member of parliament d. The prime minister can reject no-confidence motion and ask the head of state to dissolve parliament e. Form of government or the royal British monarchy 52. President of the United States authority to veto a bill that has been approved by Congress, the President's veto was considered a failure when the next session of Congress a bill approved by a minimum of ... . a. Half of the members of Congres b. More than half of the members of Congres c. Two-thirds of the members of Congress d. More than two-thirds of the members of Congres e. Three-fourths of the members of Congres 53. Japan's parliamentary cabinet system collectively to ... a. Kokkai b. Shugiin c. Sangiin d. Dokuritsu e. Tenno 54. Review and test regulations under the authority of the law is one of the ... A. The Constitutional Court B. Judicial Commission C. Supreme Court D. Council of Regional Representatives E. House of Representatives B. Answer the following questions! 1. Mention the fittings on the validity of the 1945 Constitution, KRI 1949, and the 1950 Provisional Constitution! 2. Mention MPR membership before and after the amendment of the 1945 Constitution! State and explain the shape according to the 1945 Constitution, KRI 1949 and Provisional Constitution in 1950! 3. Identify and describe the forms of government under the 1945 Constitution, KRI 1949, and the 1950 Provisional Constitution! 4. Identify and describe the system of government under the 1945 Constitution, KRI 1949, and the 1950 Provisional Constitution! 5. Mention the Governing Board of Representatives according to the 1945 Constitution, KRI 1949, and the 1950 Provisional Constitution! 6. Who is the sovereign people under the 1945 Constitution, KRI 1949, and the 1950 Provisional Constitution! 7. What are two considerations BKNIP minister proposed a system of accountability to the representative body of the people! 8. Mention at least 3 things that shape presidential decree issued July 5, 1959! 9. Is the difference in the Senate and House of Representatives at the time of the Constitution applies RIS? 10. Identify the implementation of the system of government some neighboring countries bordering Indonesia! 11. Why Governance for presidential system ensures more stable government than parliamentary iistem, Explain! 12. What are the advantages and disadvantages of presidential government system State of RI? 13. How judicial body position prevailing in Indonesia to Executive agencies or Legeslatif? 14. Identification of differences in the structure of the 1945 amandemin ketatanegara before and after the 1945 amandemin

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