Kamis, 03 Oktober 2013

latihan pkn xii

Education Cevic XII

1 . Choose the one best answer to How to give a cross ( X ) in a, b , c , d or e !
1 . Understanding the Pancasila as the State in accordance with sound ...a. Explanation 1945b . 1945 openingc . Paragraph IV of the 1945 Constitutiond . Alenia III 1945e . Of the State of Indonesia
2 . Pancasila as the state position is the following, except ...a. strongb . fixedc . religiousd . Anyone can not be changede . Can be changed with the consent of all the people of Indonesia, if desired
3 . Pancasila is used to regulate the government and administration of the state , in this case the Pancasila as ....a. philosophy of lifeb . National guidelines statec . outlook on lifed . basic Statee . Basic law of the state
4 . Pancasila is set to be the basic philosophy or ideology of the Republic of Indonesia ona. June 1, 1945b . May 29, 1945c . August 18, 1945d . August 17, 1945e . 13 April 1968
5 . Everything that is useful for people to be able to hold events or activities by Notonegoro called ....a. vital valuesb . material valuesc . truth valued . moral valuese . value of beauty
6 . In view of the philosophy , values ​​often associated with problems ....a. attitudeb . actionc . behaviord . truthe . goodness
7 . Indonesian nation unanimously agreed to accept Pancasila as the State , as the embodiment of the philosophy of life of the nation and national ideology . since ....a. August 17, 1945b . June 1, 1945c . June 22, 1945d . August 18, 1945e . May 20, 1908
8 . Conceptualization based development paradigm , which is a very important element and central is ....a. planb . budgetc . Natural resourcesd . Human resourcese . Science and technology
9 . In the implementation of national development , man is as an actor and at the same time ...a. The purpose of the development
b . Implementing developmentc . object constructiond . initiatore . planner10 . Systematic formulation of Pancasila are true and valid as the state isa. 1945 openingb . Presidential Instruction . 12 Th . 1968c . 1945d . Jakarta Chartere . 1945 opening Alenia IV11 . Were used as source material to draw up rules and regulations ¬ invitation is .....a. sources of Lawb . 1945c . Pancasilad . basic lawe . international law12 . Ideology is not just theoretical knowledge , but something to be lived ....a. a beliefb . outlook on lifec . philosophy of lifed . basic Statee . Ideals forward13 . Pancasila as the state ideology , an idea with regard to ....a. country lifeb . people's livesc . Lawd . Political , social , culturale . state officials14 . Something is said to be worth if something like the following, except ....a. beautifulb . Beharc . religiousd . Customs / traditionse . good15 . Everything that is useful for people to be able to hold events or activities called the value ....a. vitalb . materialc . ford . social16 . Benefits spiritual value everything that is useful for ...a. humanityb . feelingc . man's spirituald . divinitye . peacefulness17 . Value as the foundation / base , lack of motivation in the ....a. All human behaviorb . human thoughtc . Public orderd . Noble charactere . attitude to life18 . Pancasila as the source of value for life ....a. nationb . communityc . countryd . Indonesian humane . Personal and group19 . Pancasila ideology could answer the challenges of the current era that is ...a. modernb . evolvec : Science & Technologyd . Worldwide ( Globalization )e . open20 . Ideology is not flexibility ( flexibility ) will have ....a. Difficulty / destructionb . changec . conflictd . freedome . Pengkikisan21 . Ideology is always used as a guideline for all citizens and for the country , live ....a. statehoodb . communityc . defending stated . Relations between nationse . world peace22 . Pancasila as an ideology of thought implied in the open ....a. 1945 openingb . 1945c . Explanation 1945d . Jakarta Chartere . Alines IV 1945 opening23 . We believe that the Pancasila as an ideology is best for ....a. citizensb . All humanc . The nations of the worldd . Indonesian selfe . Nation's youth24 . Challenges the nation can only over when the Indonesian nation maintain ....a. unity unityb . ideologyc . Values ​​heroesd . Identifitasnyae . national identity25 . Openness does not mean changing the basic values ​​of Pancasila , but in a more explicit insights kongket enabled in order to ....a. Solve new problemsb . defend Pancasilac . Resist negative influencesd . Not lost in the wave of globalizatione . Equal with other nations in the world26 . In a closed society ideology and human dignity will ....a. upheldb . be generalizedc . Undifferentiatedd . be valuede . sacrificed27 . Pancasila as well as the state , meaning as a national ideology that is ....The ideals and objectives of the statea. The nation's view of lifeb . The great value of the nationc . State goalsd . national consensus28 . Sila on God as the source of value in the following matters , except ....a. Faith and pietyb . Tri religious harmonyc . freedom of worshipd . spiritualitye . Consciousness as God's creatures29 . National development for the Indonesian nation is defined as experience .....a. mutual aidb . nationalismc . social justiced . Pancasilae . nation state30 . To ensure that development activities are effective, efficient , and by then it is necessary ....a. National unity unityb . National development planningc . national developmentd . Development in all fieldse . Hard work and discipline national31 . In the open ideology in which there are ideals and values ​​...a. fundamentalb . noblec . is flexibled . Ply natione . ideal32 . Every principle in Pancasila have values ​​that reflect ....a. character of the nationb . religiousc . Noble characterd . Personality of Indonesiae . unity of Indonesia33 . Ideology is not just theoretical knowledge but rather something .....a. Internalized into a beliefb . To realize the idealsc . should be practicedd . uphelde . championed34 . Functions include a provision ideology and a way for someone to ....a. determine the identityb . Come forwardc . Realize its goalsd . raising periode . Defending the nation35 . In order to formulate national development plan that ensures the achievement of national goals is necessary toa. The basic concept of developmentb . National development planning systemc . The foundation of Pancasila and the 1945 Constitutiond . 1945 amendmente . Ideology Pancasila open36 . National development planning system set out ina. Guidelinesb . 1945c . TAP MPR RId . Law No. . 25 Th . 2004e . Law No. . 20 Th . 200637 . The nature of the position of Pancasila as the national development paradigm that has consequences ....a. All aspects of development should be based on the values ​​of Pancasilab . Implementation of development not related to the value of Pancasilac . Pancasila is the noble values ​​of the nationd . Pancasila is the national development goalse . Pancasila suit the changing times38 . National development plans using the following time , unless ...a. Short, medium , longb . Long-term , medium- , closec . Long-term , intermediate , annuald . Medium -term , long , shorte . Period of 1 year , 5 years , 10 years39 . Pancasila as the source of the rule of law , constitutionally regulate the Indonesian state and all its elements . Which include state elements area. Territory , the people , the state governmentb . Nation , a sovereign government , the state apparatusc . Governments , international recognition , Presidentd . Political parties , army / police , civil servantse . DPR , MPR , President , MA , CPC40 . Pancasila as the state constitutional legally stated in the preamble of the 1945 Constitution , is ....a. national identityb . guidelines nationc . Means of unifying the nationd . ideology is opene . Basic sources of international law41 . Basic values ​​embodied in the Pancasila ideology ....a. Jakarta Charterb . 1945c . 1945 openingd . 1945 opening Alenia IVe . Alenia III 1945 opening42 . Pancasila ideology is characteristic values ​​and ideals excavated and taken off ....a. national identityb . Noble valuesc . So national prided . Ancestral cultural heritagee . Moral spiritual wealth , and culture of the people .43 . Because it is the philosophy of Pancasila , the soul and the personality that contains noble values ​​, the Pancasila is a means toa. unite the nationb . national strugglec . The nation's view of lifed . sources of lawe . international relations44 . Independence of Indonesia has led to the ideals of nationhood berkehidupan like this . except ....a. freeb . unitec . sovereignd . prosperous happye . Equitable and prosperous45 . National Development organized by ...a. planb . Guidelinesc . democracyd . national unitye . Government decisions46 . Disclosure of information flow in the legal field to be food for thought faithful , states can implement to guarantee justice for citizens in line with the demands of the following, except ....a. rule of lawb . social welfarec . democratizationd . Human rightse . Combating corruption47 . It skelter did the founding fathers as part of the preparation for Indonesian independence is established or compose ....a. Pancasilab . 1945c .. PPKId . basic Statee . Basic state and the Constitution48 . De Tracy interpret that ideology can also be interpreted as ...a. philosophy of lifeb . Values ​​, ideasc . Goald . value systeme . system of ideas49 . Values ​​and philosophy of Pancasila has no functiona. Before Indonesia's independenceb . When the proclamation of independencec . Before formulating the basic state BPUPKId . Since the time of Majapahit and Sriwijayae . At the time of the ancestors50 . Pancasila formulation proposed Ir . Soekarno precepts one is ....a. internationalismb . nationalityc . divinityd . Belief in God Almightye . Peri Humanity

II . Answer the question below correctly !1 . Explain why we need to explore the meaning and status of Pancasila as the state !2 . When and by whom are set to be the basis of Pancasila philosophy or ideology Statute ?3 . Mention the systematic formulation of Pancasila as instructed by the President of Republic of. 12 Th . 1968 !4 . Explain Pancasila as the source of all sources of law !5 . Explain the importance of philosophy of life for a State in public life ,national and state ?6 . Explain that the Pancasila ideology characterized by being open !7 . Mention the elements of ideology according Soerjanto open !8 . What are the consequences if it does not have an ideological dimension of flexibility or malleability ?9 . Mention the kinds of values ​​according to Prof . Dr. . Notonegoro !10 . How should Pancasila as the source of values ​​and development paradigms ?
A. Choose the one best answer1 . Ideology as a set of ideas , idea , belief , belief that a thorough and systematic , involving political , social, cultural and religious . This opinion was expressed by ....a. Soejono Soekamtob . Soejono Soemargonoc . Gunawan Sitiardjad . Frans Magnise . White2 . 1 . Represents the ideals of a group of people to change and improve society2 . The values ​​of the basic nature3 . justified the sacrifices borne by society4 . contain provisions that hard concrete and operational5 . is the result of the deliberations of the consensusThe characteristics of a closed ideology is ....a. 1 , 2 , 3b . 1 , 3 , 4c . 2 , 3 , 4d . 1 , 4 , 5e . 2 , 3 , 53 . 1 . the interpretation or understanding of reality2 . contains a set of values3 . used by large groups of people / countries4 . an activity guidelines for realizing the values ​​contained in itIdeological elements include :a. 1 , 2 , 3b . 1 , 3 , 4c . 1 , 2 , 4d . 2 , 3 , 4e . 1 , 2 , 3 , 44 . Ideology should contain goals to be achieved in various fields of society , nation and state . From these statements , contain ideological dimension ....a. dimensions of realityb . dimensions of flexibilityc . time dimensiond . dimensional idealse . dimensional facts5 . Set of values ​​or ideas held by a person or group of people to be used as a way of life called ....a. ideologyb . state ideologyc . national ideologyd . ideology of the natione . ideology with6 . Below is a function of ideology , except ....a. as a goal or goals to be achieved withb . as unifying the communityc . as a guide and a handle to moved . as a provision for a person to find his identitye . as the cause of conflict between ideologies7 . 1 . as stock one find its identity2 . establish the identity of the group or nation3 . as a force to encourage someone to do activities4 . unifying the various differencesFunction of ideology for the country is ...a. 1 , 2b . 1 , 3c . 2 , 3d . 2 , 4e . 3 , 48 . Vision or direction of the implementation of national and state Indonesia is the realization of a divine life air , air- Humanity , air- Unity , Democracy and the air- air- Justice . This is a manifestation ....a. Pancasila as the national ideologyb . Pancasila as the statec . Pancasila as the national identityd . Pancasila as noble agreemente . Pancasila philosophy of life9 . One embodiment of Pancasila as the national ideology MPR decree is issued . VII/MPR/2001 about Indonesia's vision of the future. In the provision in question is the ideal vision ....a. vision 2020b . lofty ideals contained in the preamble of the 1945 Constitutionc . 5 year visiond . vision betweene . 2025 vision10 . As the realization of the government's political appointments Japanese army , was formed on 29 April 1945 ....a. Gunswikaub . PETAc . Dokuritzu Zyumbi Coosakaid . Dokuritzu Zyumbi Inkaie . PPKI11 . BPUPKI chaired by ....a. Ir . Soekarnob . A.A. Maramisc . Muh . Yamind . Supomoe . Rajiman Widyodiningrat12 . 1 . nationalism2 . internationalism3 . Consensus or democracy4 . social welfare5 . Belief in God Almighty ( Belief in cultured )Formulation was proposed by state basis ....a. Muh . Yaminb . Supomoc . Soekarnod . Abikusnoe . Muh . thereupon13 . 1 . Ir . Soekarno2 . Drs . Muh . thereupon3 . Abdul Kahar Muzakir4 . Abikusno Tjokrosajoso5 . Mr . Muh . YaminFigures who are members of the subcommittee and a member of the committee in the preparation of the basic state 9 is ....a. 1 , 2 , 3b . 1 , 3 , 4c . 1 , 3 , 5d . 1 , 2 , 5e . 3 , 4 , 514 . BPUPKI the second trial results ( 10 to 16 July 1945) is ....a. formulate the basic design of the stateb . the Treaty of Jakartac . formation of the Committee and the Committee of Nine Smalld . authorize the opening of the Jakarta Charter as the basic lawe . forming PPKI15 . Elimination goal 7 words after the word " Godhead " ( with the obligation to carry out Islamic sharia adherents ) is ....a. This text is too longb . maintain the integrity of the Republicc . in Indonesia there are a variety ofd . The founding fathers realized that worship is a fundamental righte . if the phrase " with the obligation to carry out Islamic sharia adherents " are not removed will weigh Muslims16 . Pancasila was born officially as the state ....a. June 1, 1945b . June 22, 1945c . August 17, 1945d . August 18, 1945e . 11 November 194517 . Indonesian people respect human rights balanced with its obligations . This is consistent with the characteristics of Pancasila especially sila ....a. Belief in God Almightyb . Just and civilized humanityc . unity of Indonesiad . Democracy guided by the inner wisdom of deliberations / representativee . Social justice for all Indonesian people18 . Social life and state based on democracy . This is consistent with the characteristics of Pancasila especially sila ....a. Belief in God Almightyb . Just and civilized humanityc . unity of Indonesiad . Democracy guided by the inner wisdom of deliberations / representativee . Social justice for all Indonesian people19 . Pancasila used as guidelines / guidance in living in a nation that is not easily swayed in the association world . In this case the function Pancasila ....a. as the nation's view of lifeb . as the statec . as the ideology of the nation and the stated . as national identitye . as noble agreement20 . Pancasila as the Indonesian national identity , that is ....a. Pancasila, the Indonesian people hold onto lifeb . Pancasila is the basis of values ​​and norms to regulate the state governmentsc . Pancasila lifted from customs values ​​, cultural values ​​and religious values ​​contained in live viewd . Pancasila provide distinctive characteristics that can distinguish the Indonesian nation with other nationse . Values ​​that exist in the Pancasila has been agreed by the founders of21 . Position of Pancasila as the state containing the following meanings , unless ....a. Pancasila is the spiritual principle of the rule of law Indonesiab . includes the mystical atmosphere of the 1945 Constitutionc . realize the ideals of the legal basis of state lawd . contains norms that oblige governments and state officials to maintain the noble charactere . Pancasila lifted from customs values ​​, cultural values ​​and religious values ​​contained in the view of life in Indonesia22 . 1 . Advances in science and technology to make the world feel increasingly smaller2 . Dependence of nations in the greater world3 . National development is strongly influenced by factors from within the country and abroad4 . All values ​​are derived from outside can be accepted in order to accelerate the implementation of developmentPancasila as the ideological background is open ....a. 1 , 2b . 2 , 3c . 3 , 4d . 1 , 2 , 3e . 1 , 2 , 3 , 423 . Pancasila dieksplisitkan to be able to confront the problems that alternated through rational reflection that revealed the meaning operasonalnya . The statement is ....a. Pancasila as a way of lifeb . Pancasila as the statec . Pancasila as an ideology is opend . Pancasila as the national identitye . Pancasila as noble agreement24 . Humans and human dignity has a central position . Development geared to uplift people, through the creation of a humane quality of life . This is the dimension ....a. theologicalb . ethicalc . Integral - integratived . philosophicale . idealist25 . Man must be seen from the overall system that includes community , the world and its environment . This is the dimension ....a. theologicalb . ethicalc . Integral - integratived . philosophicale . idealist

B. Answer briefly and clearly !1 . Describe the function of ideology for the country !2 . Mention PPKI court decision dated August 18, 1945 !3 . Describe the position of Pancasila as the nation !4 . Explain the meaning of Pancasila as an ideology is open !5 . Explain the differences and links between fundamental value , instrumental value , practical value !6 . Mention the factors that encourage thinking about openness ideology Pancasila .7 . List 3 dimensions in open ideology !8 . Mention the limits of openness ideology Pancasila !

A. Choose one correct answer palint !

1 . Sila values ​​on God includes and animating ....a. Sila just and civilized humanityb . Sila unity of Indonesiac . Sila democracy led by wisdom of deliberation / representationd . Precepts of social justice for all Indonesian peoplee . All answers are correct2 . Recognition of the value of human dignity in accordance with the precepts ....a. Belief in God Almightyb . Just and civilized humanityc . unity of Indonesiad . Democracy guided by the inner wisdom of deliberations representativee . Social justice for all Indonesian people3 . Is a true statement ....a. I include the value and animating sila sila II , III , IV , Vb . Values ​​imbued precepts precepts II to I and animating principle III , IV , Vc . Values ​​imbued sila sila III to II & II animating principle IV & Vd . Sila sila imbued IV to I, II & III animating principle Ve . All answers are correct4 . Indonesian man as citizens and citizens of Indonesia have a position , rights and obligations are the same . This statement is in accordance with the precepts value ....a. Belief in God Almightyb . Just and civilized humanityc . unity of Indonesiad . Democracy guided by the inner wisdom of deliberations representativee . Social justice for all Indonesian people5 . Below is a manifestation of the value of the precepts of social justice for all Indonesian people , except ....a. Justice in the field of Ipoleksosbud - hankamnasb . Balance between the rights and obligationsc . Fair recognition for fellow human beingsd . Love of progress and developmente . Embodiment of justice covers all Indonesian people6 . Pancasila as the paradigm of development , that is ....a. The values ​​of Pancasila should direa - liasikan in developmentb . Pancasila values ​​used as the source of value in solving problemsc . Pancasila values ​​in development is " das sollen "d . Pancasila values ​​used as a benchmark in solving problemse . All answers are correct7 . 1 . Problems of land eviction2 . The fuel price hike issue3 . The problem is not the next grade4 . The high cost of education issues5 . Many problems of the poorIssues related to public interest is ....a. 1 , 2 , 3 d . 1 , 2 , 4 , 5b . 2 , 3 , 4 e . 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5c . 3 , 4 , 58 . In the view of philosophy , values ​​( value : England ) . Often associated with goodness . Something can be said to have value if it's something ...a. beautifulb . religiousc . valuabled . competitivee . useful / useless9 . For Indonesia that serve as the source of value in society , nation and state is ...a. Law d . Pancasilab . Ethics e . Legislationc . norm10 . Which serve as guidelines for all citizens in various fields and implementing various aspects of the life of the nation is ...a. Pancasilab . basic statec . state philosophyd . Norma Decencye . Norma is living in the community11 . Below is a translation of the values ​​of Pancasila as the formulation of the first principle is ...a. Recognize and treat people in accordance with the nature and dignity as a creature of God Almightyb . Uphold human valuesc . Advancing the state for the sake of unity and onenessd . Yangdiambil decision must be morally accountable to God Almightye . Develop an attitude of respect and cooperation between religious beliefs and different to the Almighty God12 . Pancasila is the state ideology , meaning ...a. State ideologyb . Ideology for State Workersc . State ideology mendasarrid . Ideology of how statee . Ideology upheld by state13 . National development is a national effort to break away from dependence on other nations . This indicates that national development is ...a. globalizationb . modernizationc . humanizationd . internationalizatione . inferomentalisasi14 . Pancasila became the benchmark of good and bad and right and wrong actions wrong attitude behavior means Pancasila as the Indonesian nation ...a. source of valueb . legal basisc . sources of lawd . state ideologye . Source of legal order15 . Pancasila containing basic values ​​that truth is recognized by the Indonesian nation , these moral values ​​be ...a. instrumentb . basic statec . Perejanjian sublimed . Indonesian ideologye . Guidelines for all citizens in carrying out its activities16 . Like to provide help to others in order to be able to stand on its own is a form of investment values ​​Pancasial especially Silka ...a. I d . IVb . II e . Vc . II17 . Mengembngkan respect respect and cooperate with other nations is a form of practice precepts to - ...a. I d . IVb . II e . Vc . III18 . Yng basic assumptions form a belief framework is ...a. paradigm d . operational valueb . basic value of e . valuec . instrumental value19 . Development which draw upon the implementation of Pancasila directed to ...a. SDA progressb . HR progressc . Progress of the physicald . Physical progress and the progress of SDAe.Kemajuan physical and reel - katan HR20 . As an open ideology , Pancasila should ...a. reinterpretedb . made official interpretationc . adapted to other ideologiesd . combined with other ideologiese . Integrated with other ideologies

II . Fill in the following with the correct answer !1 . Value in the English language called the value often associated with masalahkebaikan , Something said to have value if it's something ...2 . For Indonesia that serve as the source of value in life bermasyarakta , nation and state is ...3 . Said Pancasila Pancasila as the source of value because it contains ...4 . Decisions may need to be morally accountable to God Almighty , upholding human dignity , value - the value of truth and justice , for the sake of promoting unity with a particular form of sila Pancasila ...5 . Maintain harmony and cooperation with neighbors is an example of behavior that corresponds to the value - the value of the environment Pancasial ...6 . Pancasila serve as a frame of reference , direction and purpose in the implementation of national development is a function of Pancasila as ...7 . In the realization of the life of the state , Pancasila as an ideology capable of evolving dynamically open as characteristic openness Pancasila . As an example of a positive attitude in accordance with the disclosure Pancasila is ...8 . Developing a noble deed , which reflects the attitude and family atmosphere and is a form of mutual cooperation especially sila Pancasila ...9 . The meaning of development is ...10 . Conceptualization based development paradigm , the human element in the development of a very important and central , because man is ..
III.Jawablah briefly and clearly !1 . Explain what is meant by the Pancasila as the source of value !2 . Explain Pancasila as the paradigm of development !3 . Mention 4 kinds of values ​​- values ​​that are mirror sila Pancasila to III !4 . Mention 4 kinds of values ​​- values ​​of Pancasila which is a reflection of the fourth principle of Pancasila !5 . Mention the values ​​contained in the precepts unity of Indonesia !6 . Mention the problems that arise in the construction of the Indonesian nation today !
A. Choose the one best answer !

1 . Implementation of Pancasila in any personal / individual is a form of ...a. Pancasila experience objectivelyb . Pancasila is subjectivelyc . Experience of basic valuesd . Experience of instrumental valuese . Pancasila experience in state2 . True statement about the experience of Pancasila is ...a. Experience is the implementation of Pancasila Pancasila objectively in each individualb . Pancasila is the subjective experience is in every aspect of the implementation of the Pancasila state officialsc . Experience is much more important objective than subjective experienced . Pancasila is the subjective experience of an objective experience success persyarat3 . Examples of experience value - the value of one almighty divine precepts is ...a. Respect each other to practiceb . Appropriate to treat human dignityc . Mutual tolerance and tepo selirod . Upholding the values ​​of humanity4 . 1 . Human beings love each other2 . Arbitrarily towards others3 . Willing to sacrifice for the nation and the state4 . Promote socially sake of unity5 . Courageous defense of truth and justice
Examples of experiences sila values ​​of humanity that is just and civilized ...a. 1 , 2 , 3 d . 2,3,4b . 1 , 2 , 4 e . 2,3,5c . 1 , 2 , 55 . Here is the experience of unity Indonesai sila value , except ...a. Establish unity above personal and group interestsb . Willing to sacrifice for the sake of the nation and the statec . Developed a love for the homeland and the nationd . Proud as Indonesiane . Should not force the will of6 . Examples of experience sila populist values ​​that guided by the wisdom of deliberation / representation is ...a. Appropriate to treat human dignityb . Promote socially sake of unityc . Should not impose its willd . Develop attitudes of family and kegotong royongane . Respect the rights of others .7 . 1 . Glutton for work2 . Appreciate the work of others3 . Respect for others4 . Should not impose its willNiali - sila Pancasila values ​​of social justice for all Indonesian people are ....a. 1 , 2 , 3 d . 2 , 3 , 4b . 1 , 2 , 4 e . 1 , 2 , 3 , 4c . 1 , 3 , 48 . Of lay values ​​contained in the 1945 opening of the first Alenia is ....a. Independence and the right of all nationsb . National ideals is an independent country , unitedc . The Indonesian people are not chauvinisticd . destination countrye . System of government9 . Translation of basic values ​​of Pancasila became operational value will produce ...a. Value - the value of Pancasila as an ideologyb . Instrumental valuesc . The values ​​of Pancasila as the development paradigmd . The values ​​of Pancasila as an ideology is opene . Pancasila values ​​are systematically10 . Statements are true about the instrumental values ​​are ...a. Instrumental values ​​should be based on values ​​- the value of the basicb . Translation of basic values ​​can be done in a creative and dynamic in the form of newc . Terms in penajaran basic values ​​is " Sine Condition Quanon "d . Truth in translation benchmark values ​​of Pancasila is togetherness , family and unitye . All answers are correct .

B. Answer briefly and clearly !1 . Describe the experience objectively ncasila !2 . List the values ​​of Indonesian unity sila !3 . List the three basic values ​​Alenia opening 1945 !4 . Mention the implications of open acceptance of Pancasila as an ideology !5 . Give 2 examples of behavior in accordance with the values ​​of Pancasila Pancasila for all

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